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Dream about blue

Dream about Blue signifies old issues that are still coming back to haunt you. You tend to be flighty and jump from one thing to another. You need to deviate from the norm. This dream is an evidence for the rational and mental processes. You need to learn to adapt to ever-changing situations.

Blue is an indication for a small lapse in judgment. Even though you know that it is unhealthy to avoid this issue, you continue to do so. You need to make sure that something is right for you and not what someone else wants for you. The dream is a symbol for feelings of vulnerability and hostility. You are on a self-destructive path and need to make some significant changes.

Dream about Blue [blue color or pigment; resembling the color of the clear sky in the daytime] is a signal for a burning desire. You may be dealing with issues of substance abuse. You are feeling inadequate. This dream is a sign for an obsession, an addiction, a codependent or abusive relationship or something that is beyond your control. You are exploring aspects of your subconscious in a slow and careful manner.

Dream about Blue [blue clothing] suggests forgiveness. You need to learn to ask for help from others. Perhaps your outdated beliefs or old ways of thinking is preventing you from going forward. The dream is an evidence for regret of what you have done in your life. You are concerned about losing your appeal.

Dream about Blue [any organization or party whose uniforms or badges are blue] is an omen for an end to your worries, to a relationship or and to a chapter in your life. You need to make some fundamental changes to your character. You hard work and effort will pay off in the long run. Your dream signifies being consumed by your own ambition or obsession. You are thinking about marriage or some serious long-term commitment/project/situation.

Dream about Blue Sky [the sky as viewed during daylight] is a metaphor for rigid authority and emotional repression. You need to exercise some self-control. Perhaps you need to cut back on your spending or adhere to a budget. Your dream is a clue for your creativeness or emotional nature. You are in tune with your conscious or your instinct.

Dream about Bluing [used to whiten laundry or hair or give it a bluish tinge] is a metaphor for your tendency to pass judgment on others. Sometimes you need to take life less seriously and be more carefree. You need to be open to taking and accepting advice. The dream suggests cleansing and releasing of suppressed thoughts. You tend to keep your feelings contained and in check.

Dream about Amobarbital Sodium [the sodium salt of amobarbital that is used as a barbiturate; used as a sedative and a hypnotic] states some repressed feelings emerging from your subconscious or from your past. Your trust has been compromised. You are having difficulties communicating your emotions or thoughts. Your dream symbolises your desire to reconnect with a part of yourself that you have lost touch with. There is a situation that may potentially take over your daily life and prevent you from functioning efficiently.

Dream about Blue [any of numerous small butterflies of the family Lycaenidae] means aspects of yourself that you wish to express. Someone may be taking you to the cleaners. You need to make a more informed decision instead of relying on fate. Your dream draws attention to reflective of issues and problems of your life. You need to be better organized.

Dream about Blue [turn blue] suggests your reserves. You are feeling powerless, anxious or frustrated. You need to devote more time to a relationship, family duties, project, or other situation. This dream is a symbol for hard work and difficult task. No matter how bleak circumstances may currently be, you know deep inside that things will work itself out.

Dream about Blue [of the color intermediate between green and violet; having a color similar to that of a clear unclouded sky; – Helen Hunt Jackson] is a harbinger for your desires to be more connected with your ancestors and understanding of where you came from. You need to take responsibility and control of your own life. You are trying to hold on to memories. This dream is an indication for your initiative to regain control and take steps toward the direction of your goals. You are feeling emotionally restricted and unable to communicate how you feel especially in matters of the heart.

Dream about Blue [used to signify the Union forces in the American Civil War (who wore blue uniforms)] means a resolution to a problem. Perhaps you are unsure of how to read people and their emotions. You are feeling emotionally out of control. This dream represents feelings of abandonment and unworthiness. You need to be more cautious in some aspect of your life.

Dream about Gloomy [filled with melancholy and despondency] draws attention to docility and conformity. You are grappling with a problem in your personal or professional life. You are harboring feelings of hostility. Your dream means emotional issues and tensions. You are behaving superficially.

Dream about Blasphemous [characterized by profanity or cursing] is an indication for emotional or relationship needs. You need to express yourself more openly. You are harboring some repressed anger and deep-seated rage. Your dream is a hint for a minor setback. You are clinging on to the past or to some false hope.

Dream about Blue [suggestive of sexual impropriety] signals self-control, determination, tenacity, healing and transformation. You are unknowingly letting your emotions influence aspects of your life. You have to do what is right for you and not worry about what others think of the decision. This dream expresses anxieties that you are not measuring when it comes to achieving your goals. Others are dragging you down.

Dream about Aristocratic [belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy] signals an aspect of yourself that you need to get rid of. You need to bare your soul and let everything out into the open. You need to stand up for yourself and assert your opinion. Your dream expresses something that is no longer obtainable or within reach. You are putting too much emphasis on outward appearances.

Dream about Blue [morally rigorous and strict] is a symbol for an authoritative figure or a father figure. You are your own fiercest competitor. You need to be more direct. This dream is a harbinger for someone who is nuts or someone who is driving you crazy. You are feeling awkward or out of place in some situation or relationship.

Dream about Blue [causing dejection] means masculine aggression or power. Perhaps someone is looking for your help in something. You need to be more receptive towards the guidance or criticism of others. This dream is a clue for hidden feelings, knowledge and attitudes that you need to learn and acknowledge. You are being too frigid.

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