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Dream about blind girl

Dream about Blind Girl refers to your strength, stability and a firm stance, especially in the face of adversity. Something from your subconscious is coming to the surface. You are going against the norm and are expressing your own personal choice and freedom. The dream is about your frisky nature. You want to take action.

Blind Girl indicates your ability to move forward in life with confidence. You are showing great courage. You are welcoming something new into your life. The dream states a mysterious and powerful force. Two parts are coming together as one.

The dream about a blind girl signifies confusion, dear dreamer. This dream suggests that you may be feeling disoriented or uncertain about certain aspects of your life. Just as the blind girl in your dream is unable to see, you may feel unable to gain clarity or insight into your current situation. However, your contemplative nature, dear dreamer, is a strength that will guide you through this challenging time. Your ability to delve deep within yourself and reflect on your thoughts and emotions will eventually help you find the answers you seek. Remember to embrace this beautiful quality and trust that the confusion you experience now is merely a stepping stone towards clarity and empowerment.

Dreaming of Blind and Girl

Blind in your dream is an omen for anger, aggression and separation. You need to work on putting together the pieces and looking at the broader picture. You need to take a chance in life in order to reap the rewards. This dream indicates your desire to hide your imperfections. You are trying to express your current feelings or convey your status.

Girl in dream means some malicious rumors. You need to sort out some issue in your life. You are upside down. The dream is a hint for opposing ideas and viewpoints. Your exotic tastes and strange experiences may turn off those around you.

Dream about both “Blind” and “Girl” is an evidence for your inability to function in some situation. You need to find out what is it that you really hate. You may be feeling embarrassed, insignificant or unimportant in some situation. Your dream expresses a decision that you are having a hard time accepting. There may be a situation or relationship that needs to be repaired.

Dream about blind girl means an urgency in some matter. You are orchestrating some plan. You need some direction and guidance in your life. The dream is an evidence for your seal of approval. You are in a race.

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I had a dream about a blind blonde hair , blue eyed girl. We were sitting in a field eating & watching the cars drive by us


I dreamt I’ve fallen in love with a blind girl on my first day at this institution/company then before that I was thirsty when I arrived there and didn’t know where to get water, so I took a random container and drunk from it but found that I was actually drinking drinking poop then I woke up


I saw a young (18-20) blonde and blind girl with blue eyes from Poland (I live in spain, she was studying here). We met on a bus and she asked me something in japanese which I didn’t understand but she also knew english and russian so we communicated easily. Wanted to help her by finding the right bus stop for her but woke up.


I dreamt my boyfriend was cheating with me with a blind girl, but I was nice to the girl because she was blind and my boyfriend wasn’t there anymore because of guilt


I had a dream I had a blind niece who I was helping in a class.


I saw an old woman want to take a blind girl, at the girl started crying I go and took her the relative