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Dream about being heard

Dream about Being Heard is a premonition for your success and your rise to distinction. You are ready to explore and open yourself to new experiences. Perhaps you are transitioning into a new career, new home, or new life path. Your dream symbolises giving yourself a second chance. Some new project is in the works.

Being Heard hints power, size and strength. You will enjoy the benefits of your success after long and hard work. With perseverance and strong-will, you will make it far in life. The dream indicates adoration, courtesy, friendship and respect. You are keeping close track of things.

Dreaming of Be and Hear

Be in your dream suggests your environmental awareness or that you need to be more environmentally conscious. Perhaps you need to practice meditation. You need to address the situation before it gets out of hand. Your dream is a signal for your standing in life. You need to take a break to decompress or reenergize.

Hear in dream is a premonition for someone who may not appear to be who they are. Their true self may not be obvious or immediately apparent. You are repressing your angry feelings. You need to work on integrating aspects of yourself. This dream states health concerns. Your psychological integrity is being attacked.

Dream about both “Be” and “Hear” is sadly an admonition for a cleansing and a release of negative or repressed emotions. You are lacking originality and control over where your life is taking. You may need to acknowledge the shadow and negative aspects of your personality. Your dream unfortunately draws attention to your inability to care for yourself or your helplessness in reaching out to others. Some current issue that you are experiencing is not allowing you to move forward.

Dream about being heard is a signal for passion and emotion. You will face many obstacles and setbacks toward achieving your goals. You are feeling emotionally and mentally uplifted. The dream points to your desire for inner exploration and self-discovery. You are taking the blame for the actions of others.

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