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Dream about beach

In your dream about the beach, the meaning revolves around escape, a much-needed respite from the chaos of everyday life. The beach symbolizes a place where you can leave behind your worries and momentarily escape the pressures of the world. Your dream suggests that you possess a strong desire for tranquility and mental relaxation. The feeling of being relaxed in your dream reflects your longing to find inner peace and serenity.

Dream about Beach is your anxieties about really asking a person out. You are trying to understand the other person and see things from their perspective. You are all work and no play. The dream is a symbol for someone you trust and can rely on. You need to gain a better perspective or wider view on something.

Beach is sometimes rebirth and unrealized potential. You feel that you are doing the work, while others are not pulling their own weight. You are behaving or acting inappropriately in some situation. The dream draws attention to hard work is needed to achieve your goals. You are being overly pushy with your advice.

Dream about Beach [an area of sand sloping down to the water of a sea or lake] symbolises some aspect of yourself which you are not paying enough attention to. You are in need of protection. Perhaps you are making a big deal out of a minor matter. The dream signals emotions or issues that can potentially explode if they are not properly addressed. You may be afraid of death and dying.

Dream about Beach [land on a beach] is an evidence for your desire to get off the beaten path. You need to express some aspect of your feeling. You are in tune with your intuition. The dream is a symbol for a betrayal. You need to make contact with someone and reach out for help.

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Rinkal Gola

I dream about going to a hanuman temple with my deceased father in law. I am trying to climb a wall but unable to do that other people behind me are askingto go as they are in a hurry. On the right side i could see a beach very dusty grey and it has a hill somewhere there with lots of green shrubs or grass.
I am asking my father in law that we will go there once we are back feom temple.


Saw I was at the beach for a brotherhood event. At first, I didn’t have money to go but I borrowed money. I got there, the event has not started but some members are swimming in different swimming pool at the beach. I jumped and swim with them at their different pool and when I observed the current was high in the pool I came out. The leader of the brotherhood came and everyone was shaking him according to custom and when it was my turn I did the same thing and he responded cold and muttered something I didn’t hear that I should be discipline. I was wondering what I did wrong and the guys they choose to discipline me where violent toward me. One hit me with the hammer on my head, while another pointed gun at me. I was telling them I’m thier brotherhood and why would they treat me like an opponent. I told them I’m duty bond to defend any of them that all of this doesn’t make sense. They’re where cold , vicious and won’t listen.


Saw I was at the beach and I bought 4 apples waiting for a friend. The seller cleaned the Apples for me with water. while seated facing the beach eating the apples. The seller told me the beach is not good and I asked why she said that, her response was someone went into it and brought out a car from it, and I was like in my mind that’s good and not evil. I collected my change from her making sure I have enough money to return home if the person I’m waiting for doesn’t sure up.


Saw I went to the beach to pray but it turned out I didn’t see the church I’m to fellowship with but rather a white garment church that my enstranged from is a member of. I was reluctant to worship with them but I did anyways so I don’t go home in vain. I followed thier doctrine and also registered my details with them


I saw my aunty and she told me she inherited a beach front from her mom. I told her that’s a good thing, it’s only a question of time when the area would develop and people would be patronizing her for relaxation and picnic. I further saw I moved to an island in my mom home town and I have I speed boat which I use to reach mainland whenever I’m going out

Alex avalos

Saw I was at the beach with my brother and Neighbors. It was time to go home with my neighbors and my younger brother was no where to be found. They left us and I waited for him, till he came around. I took several White plastic chairs and awaited for a public bus to take us home


I was at a beach and sang, i took the form of a crab. My past relationships (whom i still love but lost) was there. She told me my song was about my drug addiction, i threatened to bitchslap her and she cried and did not perform her song. I could hear her talking and crying about me after she and her sister went into a cabin.. Help me interpret this.


I was volunteering to clean up at a beach by myself and it was sprinkling. The guy was instructing everyone including me to gather up our trash in a designated bag. I worked at a theater so I believe I did that on my day off. My coworkers were nice about showing me what to do and all since I was new.

Avolos Alex

I saw I was at the beach line going towards a DJ Stand where friends are partying. A game of first to reach was initiated and I was running maintaining my possitiion not taking over neither was I over taken in the race. Two beautiful old secondary school mate lady was behind me. Getting to the party post, the hypman took picture with me and asked for my Facebook ID which I gave him but mistaken a letter in it. A role a attendant was called and when my name was called, I answered success!

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