Home » Coffin » Dream about a family member in a coffin

Dream about a family member in a coffin

Dream about A Family Member In A Coffin is a message for pleasant moods. You are being prevented from moving forward and pursuing your goals. You are expanding your awareness and consciousness. This dream is a message for insight and meditative thought. You are feeling snappy.

Family in your dream is a sign for guidance, direction and unification. You have not learned from your past life lessons or previous mistakes. You are not afraid of letting others know about your position, even though it may not a popular one. This dream hints your desire to recapture or relive a certain moment in your life. You need to cut off ties from those who try to pull you down.

Member dream is a premonition for some aspect of your relationship with your girl/boyfriend. Something in your life is out of your control. You are behaving and acting tyrannical. The dream signals your fears of having your personal feelings and private thoughts discovered or revealed. You may be indebted to someone.

Coffin in this dream states obstacles in your business or personal life. There is something in your real life that you have difficulties accepting. You are not doing all that you can. This dream denotes your reckless habits. Your lifestyle or life decisions may be jeopardizing your well being.

Dreaming of Family and Member and Coffin

Dream About Family Member represents the Self. You may be questioning your feelings about relationship, marriage, love and gender roles. You need to take a rest. The dream is frivolity, happiness, gracefulness, sensuality and emotional desires. You are experiencing peace of mind.

Dream about A Family Member In A Coffin is a metaphor for the burden that you are carrying along with you throughout your life. You need to flexible in your thinking. Things are going smoothly for you. Your dream is a harbinger for childhood and your carefree nature. You are experiencing deep financial worries.

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I dreamt that my mother-in-law came back & was going to take a family member. There were four family members selected her oldest daughter and her granddaughters. They debated why each grandchild couldn’t go. When it came down to her daughter, her daughters said her grandbabies need her. Without even questioning, the oldest granddaughter walked toward the open brown coffin and got in, and closed. The funeral took place & everyone was emotionless.


I dreamt that my aunt was dead and in a coffin then on fenural day she vanished after being dropped in the whole


I dreamt of me and my deceased father joyfully following a van we knocked the van using a coins the van stopped and when they open it someone pulled a casket out and it was my grandma inside while both me and deceased father look into the casket my grandma opened her eyes and tried to stand up but because of the glass she can’t so she just went back lying and said something to my dad but I didn’t hear it.


I dreamed that my grandfathers funeral precession with his coffin (he died year and half ago) was coming the opposite way down the street. Please can you interpret