

Dream about pot

In your dream about pot, the meaning of escapism can be strongly felt. It signifies your desire to break free […]

Blue, Pot

Dream about blue pot

Dream about Blue Pot refers to purity, renewal, never-ending joy and fresh beginnings. You are about to embark on some

Pot, Toilet

Dream about toilet pot

Dream about Toilet Pot denotes vitality and well-directed energy which will lead to prosperity. You are looking back on the

Old, Pot

Dream about old pot

Dream about Old Pot refers to the opportunities and possibilities within your grasp. You have clarity on some nagging problem

Big, Pot

Dream about big pot

Dream about Big Pot is a symbol for your accomplishments. You set your sights on something and you go for

Broken, Pot

Dream about broken pot

Dream about Broken Pot is an indication for life, ideas and creativity. Something is finally getting through to you. You

New, Pot

Dream about new pots

Dream about New Pots points at a particular time or season. Some unexpected issue will delay the achievement of your

Clay, Pot

Dream about clay pot

Dream about Clay Pot is a clue for some unresolved issues or feelings pertaining to a specific person. You are

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