

Dream about plum

Dream about Plum is a premonition for a growing issue that you have been overlooking and requires your immediate attention.

Green, Plum

Dream about green plum

Dream about Green Plum points at suppressed feelings that you have yet to express to boyfriend/girlfriend. You are feeling helpless.

Plum, Tree

Dream about plum tree

Dream about Plum Tree suggests an overpowering force working against you. You need to be more compassionate to those who

Picking, Plum

Dream about picking plums

Dream about Picking Plums refers to opportunities and welcomed expectations. You ashamed in acknowledging your connections. You are experiencing pure

Plum, Ripe

Dream about ripe plum

Dream about Ripe Plum signals your desires to escape from reality. You are under tremendous stress and feel drained. You

Plum, Red

Dream about red plums

Dream about Red Plums is a hint for forgiveness and letting go. Your true nature will eventually be exposed. You

Jam, Plum

Dream about plum jam

Dream about Plum Jam suggests concern for the environment. You are exploring aspects of your subconscious mind and emotions. You

June, Plum

Dream about june plum

Dream about June Plum is a hint for your commitment toward a life goal. You will eventually overcome your current

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