
Owl, Small

Dream about small owl

Dream about Small Owl suggests emotional and sensual appetites. You need to be more aware of your surroundings and appreciate

Baby, Owl

Dream about baby owl

Dream about Baby Owl represents some deep fear. You are feeling emotionally paralyzed. You are well-balanced in your personal, social

Owl, Tree

Dream about owl tree

Dream about Owl Tree points to characteristics and personality that you chose to display to the public. You are being

Owl, Tattoo

Dream about owl tattoo

Dream about Owl Tattoo is sometimes beauty, harmony and tranquility. You need to work on your spiritual, emotional and physical

Fly, Owl

Dream about owl flying

Dream about Owl Flying signifies renewal, rejuvenation and cleansing. Something drastic is about to happen. Although some feelings may appear

Hold, Owl

Dream about holding owl

Dream about Holding Owl points to imperfections. You need to give appreciation to those who have helped you along the

Black, Owl

Dream about black owl

Dream about Black Owl is a sign for unexpressed angers and other powerful feelings which you are holding back. Some